Anyone can submit suggestions for new levers* or edits to existing ones through our public form or Github.

*The inclusion of a lever does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of it or reflect the work of our contributors. None of the content on this site is meant to be an authoritative source on these topics, rather, they serve as an introduction to each concept.

Advanced Market Commitments

Upfront commitment to underwrite a market

Better Scientific Feedback

High-quality reviews before publishing

Beware Consultants

Avoiding expensive, external consultancies

Buyer of First Resort

Be the guaranteed first purchaser

Consumption Tax Credit

More usage, more tax benefits

Cooperative Agreements

Funding mechanism involving extensive federal staff resources

Digital Nomad Visa

Relocate remote talent to you

Focused Research Organizations

Non-profit startup research organizations


'Free' money

Industry-University Research Partnerships

Collaborative research structures in industry and academia

Investment Tax Credit

More investments, more tax benefits

Milestone Payments

Incremental payments upon achieving milestones

Moonshot Institutions

Go big or go home

Non-Traditional Acquisition Authorities

Buy things better

Pre-Competitive R&D Consortia

Collaborative R&D partnerships

Prize Competitions

Build stuff to win awards

Production Tax Credit

More production, more tax benefits

Program Related Investments

An alternative to grants for charitable foundations

Public Venture Capital Funds

State funding for companies of national interest

Rapid Response R&D Consortia

R&D partnerships for emergencies

Rapid Technology Prototyping

A competition for prototypes

R&D Tax Credit

More research and development, more tax benefits

Regional Innovation Hubs

Local foci of technological creativity

Remove Funding Bureaucracy

Beware of safetyism

Better Scientific Feedback

Giving scientists better feedback on subitted work

Scientific Roadmapping

Mapping scientific fields

Staged Contracts

A competition for concept papers

Standardize Pragmatic Tools

Deduplicate and focus on the leading edge

Startup Incubator for Scientists

Upfront commitment to underwrite a market

State Economic Development Agencies

State-level agencies for advancing regional innovation

State Funded Compute

Public compute for academia and startups

Structural Diversity

Diversify the types of scientific institutions

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